April 26, 2023: What’s new in Athennian

Charlé West
Charlé West
  • Updated


🎉 New Feature Additions to the Minute Book

  • 📄 Page Manipulation (Single and Bulk)
    In Athennian, we've introduced the ability to manipulate pages within PDF documents in your Minute Book. This feature allows you to organize, modify, and manage your PDF documents more effectively. You can now rotate, delete, replace, insert, and extract PDF pages from documents in the Minute Book, without needing to leave Athennian.
    "Adobe? Who even needs Adobe...😉" 

    Read more here.

  • 📔 Custom Cover Page for Minute Books
    In Athennian, we've introduced a new feature to enhance your Minute Book experience.You now have the ability to add, replace and delete a custom cover page in your Minute Book. This feature helps create consistent branding and provides a seamless experience for client service.

    Read more here.

If you have any questions about this release, please reach out to your CSM and they will confirm whether you’ve qualified for the above mentioned features.

What's Fixed

  • Entity Search “X” Button
    You are now able to “X” clear a filter after navigating away from the entity search page. The button no longer disappears for our users and works exactly as it should.

  • Minute Book Header Import under Sort by “Modified Date”
    Header imports are now working smoothly! Some clients were experiencing errors when importing Minute Book headers under sort by modified date, this is now fixed and working as expected.

  • Entity Search Characters that Included “Brackets”
    Our users will now get accurate results when searching the entity list page and including brackets in the search bar. No more guessing games when looking for information 🎉.